By adamshendry | June 20, 2017
Eastleigh Borough Local Plan providing planning policy support and evidence to help deliver local plans Adams Hendry is providing long-term consultancy support to Eastleigh Borough Council to help guide the preparation of its emerging local plan (2016-2036). Adams Hendry has undertaken a full review and update of the council’s Strategic Land Availability Assessment which involved [...] Continue ReadingBy adamshendry | June 6, 2017
Romsey Road, Winchester Change of use of former NHS site in city centre to student accommodation Adams Hendry worked with Caliburn Homes to secure planning permission from Winchester City Council for the material change of use of a former NHS site on Romsey Road in Winchester to student accommodation. The application for 23 units of [...] Continue ReadingBy adamshendry | July 9, 2015
Hampshire Police Headquarters, Winchester Redevelopment of city centre site for housing Adams Hendry worked with Berkeley Homes to secure planning permission from Winchester City Council for the redevelopment of the Hampshire Police Headquarters site on Romsey Road, Winchester. The scheme for 208 dwellings was granted planning permission in May 2016. Adams Hendry managed the submission [...] Continue ReadingBy adamshendry | January 22, 2015
Weydon Lane, Farnham Delivering Affordable Housing on Brownfield Land Adams Hendry worked with Thames Valley Housing to secure planning permission from Waverley Borough Council for the redevelopment of a derelict former Dairy Crest depot on Weydon Lane, Farnham. The scheme for 21 units, was granted planning permission in 2016 and will provide much needed affordable [...] Continue ReadingBy admin | October 7, 2014
Fareham Community Infrastructure Levy Reviewing Community Infrastructure Levy rates Adams Hendry is leading the UK’s first review of an adopted Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule for Fareham Borough Council. This review will ensure that Fareham’s CIL rates remain appropriate and reflect the changing planning context within the Borough. Fareham adopted its current CIL Charging [...] Continue ReadingBy admin | October 6, 2014
Laverstoke Mill Delivering development in a heritage setting Adams Hendry successfully secured planning permission and listed building consent for the conversion and redevelopment of the historic mill complex at Laverstoke Mill in Hampshire on behalf of St James Group Ltd, part of the Berkeley Group. Laverstoke Mill is a complex industrial site of about forty [...] Continue ReadingBy admin | September 19, 2014
St Catherine’s View Care Home, Winchester Securing housing for all Adams Hendry secured consent at appeal for the construction of a 56 bed nursing home in Winchester on behalf of Colten Care Ltd. The scheme was locally controversial as it involved the demolition of a public house however Adams Hendry was able to demonstrate that [...] Continue ReadingBy admin | September 19, 2014
Kingsgate Street, Winchester College Realising development potential in an historic setting Adams Hendry is advising Winchester College on its proposals to develop 11 residential properties for rent on the site of 77 to 79 Kingsgate Street and the adjacent Wellington Cottage, Canon Street. The scheme proposes high quality flats and houses involving a mixture of [...] Continue ReadingBy admin | September 19, 2014
Welborne, Fareham Helping to plan for one of the UK’s largest housing developments Adams Hendry worked closely with Fareham Borough Council to provide advice and planning policy support for the preparation and examination of the Welborne Plan. Welborne is a major strategic development site that will deliver about 6,000 homes and 90,000 sq. metres of employment [...] Continue ReadingBy admin | September 19, 2014
Land North of Winchester Successfully promoting client’s interests Adams Hendry is appointed by Bovis Homes and Heron Land Developments to promote their interests at north Winchester for predominantly residential development through the Winchester District Local Plan. This includes submitting representations on key policy documents and providing comments on significant planning applications likely to affect the [...] Continue Reading