We know that transport projects need to be carefully justified and defined in planning and environmental terms.
We are experienced in successfully guiding transport schemes through the consent system. New transport schemes often require other processes to be undertaken before they can be implemented, such as Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) and Side Road Order (SRO) procedures. We know what evidence to present to support and justify the granting of such orders.
We have significant experience in the transport sector, successfully obtaining consent for a number of strategically important road and railway projects. Our advice and knowledge spans the General Permitted Development Order 1995, the town planning process and the Transport and Works Act 1992.
We have the skills to critically assess engineering and architectural options for road and railway projects in the context of planning policy and environmental impacts. Intensive engagement with stakeholders is an essential component of our approach.
Our skills include:
Scheme definition and justification
Planning applications
Environmental Impact Assessment
Public Inquiry Witness
CPO, SRO and Transport and Works Act advice
Stakeholder engagement and management
Our Projects
East West Rail
Upgrading National Infrastructure
Client: East West Rail Company
Adams Hendry is currently providing town planning support and advice to the East West Railway Company in respect of proposals for a new rail line between Oxford, Milton Keynes, Bedford and Cambridge, known as East West Rail. The Government has directed that the works required between Bedford and Cambridge are a nationally significant Infrastructure project (NSIP) and therefore the EWR Co will apply to the Secretary of State for Transport for a Development Consent Order to authorise the works. Our role includes providing planning input to the development of options as well as monitoring development plans and planning applications across the proposed EWR route alignments, and co-ordinating consultation responses as necessary.
Norwich Northern Distributor Road (NNDR)
Delivering Nationally Significant Infrastructure
Client: Norfolk County Council
Adams Hendry prepared the consents strategy for the NNDR, a new 20km dual carriageway to the north of Norwich, advising the Council to package the scheme so that it would constitute development for which a DCO was required to meet programme and funding requirements.
Weymouth Relief Road
Delivering robust consents for major road schemes
Client: Dorset County Council
Adams Hendry acted as Planning and EIA advisers to Dorset County Council, as highway authority, suggesting significant amendments to the proposed alignment of the new carriageway to reflect the environmental sensitivities of the location (AONB and SSSI), Government policy and the Statutory Development Plan. The Side Roads and Compulsory Purchase Order was approved by the Secretary of State and the Weymouth Relief Road and a park and ride car park is successfully operating.
Stoke Bridge Crossing
Resolving internationally important environmental concerns
Client: Medway Council
Adams Hendry provided planning and EIA advice in respect of a scheme to construct a new road bridge to replace the current level crossing to the east of Lower Stoke in Kent. To mitigate and compensate for effects on an internationally important site for nature conservation, a package of nature conservation measures were successfully agreed with Natural England which were the subject of a separate planning application given the physical separation from the proposed bridge (approximately 9km).
A338 Improvements
Permitted development advice
Client: Dorset County Council
Adams Hendry prepared the planning application for improvements to Hurn Roundabout to facilitate development at Bournemouth Airport on behalf of Dorset County Council. Advice to the Council has since been provided on the use of permitted development rights for improvements to the A338 north of Bournemouth and Adams Hendry is also acting as an intelligent client advising on proposals for a grade separated junction at Wessex Fields in Bournemouth.
Stratford Station Upgrade
Delivering infrastructure improvements for the Olympics
Client: Transport for London
Adams Hendry was appointed to prepare the planning application for an additional westbound Central Line platform and a new station entrance at mezzanine level that provides a new access into the station. The enhancements to Stratford station allowed around 60,000 spectators to pass through the station each morning during the Olympic Games held in London in 2012.
West Ham Station Temporary Capacity Enhancement Scheme
Improving pedestrian and cycling access
Client: Olympic Delivery Authority
Adams Hendry acted as agent for the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) to secure planning permission for the new temporary route directly from the District and Hammersmith & City Line platform to the Greenway which some 15% of spectators used to access the Olympic Park from West Ham station.
Emma Barnett or Jane Parker 01962 877414 | or