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Local Plans

A number of our team members have spent a considerable part of their careers in local government. We are able to draw on this experience to assist local authorities in the development of strategic policy and the preparation of Local Plans by providing expertise to boost the resources of planning policy teams.

We provide a tailor made response to requests for advice on procedures including the duty to cooperate, as well as support in developing a robust evidence base, drafting Local Plans and appearance at examinations.

Our skills include:

Site assessment
Infrastructure needs
Drafting policy
Producing evidence based reports
Appearance at local plan examinations

Our Projects

Hart Local Plan

Providing planning policy support to help deliver Local Plans

Client: Hart District Council

Adams Hendry has worked closely with Hart District Council, providing consultancy support in the preparation of a new Hart Local Plan.

The Council began the process of developing its new Local Plan with the production of a housing development options consultation paper, outlining broad options for meeting its housing requirements. Adams Hendry provided technical input to this paper on the development options.

Following the initial consultation, Adams Hendry undertook technical assessments of a significant number of potential housing development sites identified by the Council. The work involved a two stage process in which Adams Hendry provide assessment matrices and sustainability assessment matrices for the sites, to assist the Council in making its decisions on potential housing allocations.

Fareham Local Plan

Providing planning policy support to help deliver Local Plans

Client: Fareham Borough Council

Adams Hendry worked closely with Fareham Borough Council to provide advice and planning policy support for the successful examination of the Borough’s Development Sites and Policies (DSP) Plan.

Adams Hendry assisted the Council in its preparations for the DSP Plan examination by drafting issue statements on a wide range of topics. We also provided advice to the Council on its overall approach to housing supply and helped the Council to review its housing monitoring systems to ensure its five-year housing land supply assessment is robust. In addition, we assisted the Council in preparing for two major residential site planning appeals.

West Sussex County Council

Providing local planning policy support

Client: West Sussex County Council

Adams Hendry worked closely with the County Council to update Strategic Infrastructure Packages setting out the infrastructure improvements and new infrastructure required to enable the provision of County Council services across West Sussex. We also prepared detailed Infrastructure Delivery Plans, liaising with service providers to set out a detailed delivery programme for key items of infrastructure, from project feasibility, through to construction and completion; and to advise future CIL negotiations and s106 contributions, future funding priorities and potential funding shortfalls

Our work providing local planning policy support to West Sussex County Council builds upon the extensive infrastructure experience that we have gained in our projects for public and private sector clients over more than 20 years.

Eastleigh Borough Local Plan

Providing planning policy support and evidence to help deliver local plans

Client: Eastleigh Borough Council

Adams Hendry has provided long-term consultancy support to Eastleigh Borough Council to help guide the preparation of its emerging local plan (2016-2036). We undertook a full review and update of the council’s Strategic Land Availability Assessment which involved consultation and dialogue with site promoters and developers as well as engaging the council’s own Members in the process.

A member of the Adams Hendry team was seconded to Eastleigh Borough Council to boost the council’s planning policy resource and provide advice and support on a large number of projects as well as producing local plan background papers on a range of matters including housing and employment land supply, infrastructure requirements and site allocations.

Fareham Community Infrastructure Levy

Reviewing Community Infrastructure Levy rates

Client: Fareham Borough Council

Adams Hendry advised on the UK’s first review of an adopted Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule for Fareham Borough Council. The review ensured that Fareham’s CIL rates remain appropriate and reflect the changing planning context within the Borough.


Emma Barnett or Jane Parker  01962 877414 | e.barnett@adamshendry.co.uk or j.parker@adamshendry.co.uk