Horsham District Council is in the process of putting its Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in place and is revising its existing Planning Obligations guidance. A team from Adams Hendry is leading this work for the Council. The initial task has been to comprehensively review the infrastructure evidence to the support the emerging CIL. Our team has undertaken engagement with service providers, neighbouring authorities and parish councils to ensure that all relevant infrastructure needs and costs are identified. This both supports the need to introduce CIL in Horsham and also enables the Council to prepare its ‘Regulation 123 List’ governing the relationship between CIL and planning obligations.
One member of our team is currently leading the process of preparing the Draft CIL Charging Schedule ready for public consultation, later in the spring/summer 2016. This has involved close working with Council Officers and with the consultant team preparing the economic viability evidence base. We have been ensuring that Horsham’s Members are kept well appraised of progress with the District’s CIL and have led presentations and workshop sessions for the Councillors to help them better understand how the Levy works and how Horsham can get the best out of the infrastructure funding opportunities it provides.