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Appeals and Expert Witness

As an expert witness our role is fundamental to making the case for a proposal.

Our experience extends beyond town planning legislation to include public inquiries and tribunals held under a wide variety of acts including:

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) – s78 Appeals and s77 call ins
Planning Act 2008 (DCO Examinations)
Local Plan Examinations
Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004
Highways Act 1980
Transport and Works Act 1992
Harbour Act 1964 (as amended)
Land Compensation Act (1961)

We also provide evidence for court and parliamentary proceedings.

Our Projects include:

Southampton to London Pipeline DCO Examination

Residential Planning application appeals for Basingstoke, Fareham and Eastleigh Borough Councils

Victoria Station Upgrade

Able Marine Energy Park

Norwich Northern Distributor Road

Featured Project

Victoria Station Upgrade

Securing consent for major infrastructure improvements

The Secretary of State for Transport made the Victoria Station Upgrade Transport and Works Act Order and directed that planning permission be deemed to be granted. This scheme is a major upgrade of the underground facilities at Victoria Station in Westminster proposed by London Underground Ltd (LUL).

On behalf of LUL, Adams Hendry provided the expert evidence on Town Planning matters and Environmental Assessment matters at the public inquiry into the order.


Philip Rowell or Emma Barnett  01962 877414 | p.rowell@adamshendry.co.uk or e.barnett@adamshendry.co.uk