Ports Harbours and Marine
Ports Harbours and Marine
As a maritime nation our ports and harbours are vital to the UK’s economic success – a fact recognised by Government. Changes in the technologies for handling cargoes from ship to shore and for their onward transport by road, rail or water have resulted in changing requirements for port infrastructure. These changes lead to issues of both growth and decline for the UK’s ports often in the context of ecologically valuable coastal environments.
We advise on strategies for the future development of ports where their economic role has declined or changed. We routinely advise ports that are recognised by Government as key international gateways critical to the functioning of the nations transport system and economic success.
Marine industries also have an important role to play in providing infrastructure and supporting coastal economies. Marine industries face a diverse range of challenges including competition with higher value land uses such as housing and environmental designations to protect the ecological and landscape value of coastal areas. We are experienced in both policy development and making planning applications to support the development of marine industries.
Our skills include:
Planning applications
Harbour Revision/Empowerment Orders
Environmental Impact Assessment
Permitted Development
Port Masterplanning
Expert witness
Strategic policy development and advice
Our Projects
Poole Harbour Masterplan
Planning to meet the long term strategic aspirations of Port operators
Client: Poole Harbour Commissioners
Adams Hendry assisted Poole Harbour Commissioners in the preparation of the Poole Harbour Port Master Plan. This sets out the Commissioners’ vision for the sustainable management, conservation and development of Poole Harbour and the Trust Port of Poole for the next 25 to 30 years. The Master Plan includes a number of proposals to enable the Commissioners to meet their statutory duties and responsibilities to maintain the Port of Poole and conserve and manage it’s internationally significant coastal environment and a landscape of national importance.
Port of Southampton
Safeguarding the long-term future of Ports
Client: Associated British Ports
We are, and have been for a number of years, the planning advisors to the Port of Southampton. We have undertaken, and continue to undertake, various commissions for the Port, ranging from day-to-day queries through to acting as a member of the core project team taking forward development proposals within the Port.
Adams Hendry is retained to protect the Port and its future in emerging development plans produced by relevant local authorities. This has seen representatives of Adams Hendry appearing at various local plan inquiries, hearings and examinations, and providing evidence for successful statutory challenges in the High Court.
Solent Waterfront Strategy
Supporting maritime industries
Client: South East England Development Agency (SEEDA)
Adams Hendry led the team that produced a strategy for the future development of the extensive marine and marine-related industries located in the sub-region around the Solent and its associated harbours, rivers and coasts.
The Solent Waterfront Strategy was commissioned by SEEDA and is an innovative strategy that draws together fundamental economic, environmental and social issues faced by those seeking to plan proactively for the marine and marine related sector within the sub-region.
The Strategy has formed a key piece of background evidence for local authorities in the formulation of development plans and won the RTPI Award for Spatial Strategies.
Oikos Storage, Essex
Helping to deliver nationally significant infrastructure
Client: Oikos Storage
Adams Hendry has been acting on behalf of Oikos Storage Ltd, the operators of the nationally significant fuel storage terminal located on Canvey Island, since 2008. Over this period we have provided a variety of planning services including strategic planning advice, achieved both planning permission and hazardous substances consents and responded to numerous Local Planning Authority consultations.
Most recently we have gained planning permission, a marine licence and river works licence for the construction and operation of a new deep water jetty consisting of the refurbishment of and extension to an existing jetty, refurbishment of an existing 12 tank storage compound and the undertaking of related operational and site infrastructure works.
SCT5, Port of Southampton
Enabling the growth of container shipping
Client: Associated British Ports
Adams Hendry, along with the client’s project team and their legal advisors, prepared necessary documentation to support the applications to enable the redevelopment of two berths at the Port of Southampton. The works were proposed to expand the container terminal at the Port to accommodate the largest container vessels currently in service.
Applications for consent included a marine licence application to the Marine Management Organisation and a prior approval application under Part 11 of the General Permitted Development Order to Southampton City Council. These applications were accompanied by a comprehensive Environmental Statement of the project.
Able Marine Energy Park
Acting to safeguard client interests
Client: Associated British Ports
Adams Hendry have provided planning, EIA and consent advice to Associated British Ports in respect of a Development Consent Order (DCO) application by a third party (Able) for a new Marine Energy Park on land partly within and partly adjacent to the existing ABP Port of Immingham, on the River Humber.
Adams Hendry submitted evidence to the examination into the proposals, and is currently assisting ABP in their attempts to resolve matters relating to the compulsory acquisition of port land by Able. The land in question is required by ABP to further develop the Port of Immingham.
Berthing and pontoon development, River Hamble
Facilitating growth in the marine leisure industry
Client: Royal Air Force Yacht Club
Adams Hendry was appointed by the Royal Air Force Yacht Club to advise on the planning strategy and consents necessary to secure the reconfiguration of berthing facilities and installation of additional pontoons on the River Hamble. The proposal was jointly pursued with the Royal Southern Yacht Club.
The scheme delivers modern berthing facilities and full tidal access to two marinas and will help to safeguard the long term, sustainable future of the Royal Air Force and Royal Southern Yacht Clubs.
Philip Rowell or Jennie Reynolds 01962 877414 | p.rowell@adamshendry.co.uk or j.reynolds@adamshendry.co.uk