By adamshendry | May 20, 2021
Margate and Broadstairs Wastewater Treatment development for Southern Water In 2006 Adams Hendry secured planning permission from Kent County Council on behalf of Southern Water Services Ltd for the development of modern wastewater treatment facilities for Margate and Broadstairs and to ensure compliance with European Directives on Urban Wastewater, Bathing Water and Shellfish Waters. Adams [...] Continue ReadingBy adamshendry | May 19, 2021
Shaft G, Lee Tunnel and Thames Tideway Tunnel Major infrastructure upgrade for Thames Water As construction of the Lee Tunnel progressed it was recognised that there was the potential for an interface between the Lee Tunnel entry point at Abbey Mills Pumping Station in Stratford and a possible Thames Tideway Tunnel terminus at the same [...] Continue ReadingBy adamshendry | May 19, 2021
Beckton STW Primary Settlement Tanks Major infrastructure upgrade for Thames Water Originally due to be supplemented by a fully enclosed lamella primary treatment system as part of the Beckton STW Extension project, once permission had been granted work began to establish if the adoption of comprehensive odour management systems across the existing and extended STW [...] Continue ReadingBy adamshendry | May 19, 2021
Beckton STW Extension Major infrastructure upgrade for Thames Water The extension to Beckton STW builds on the previous capacity extension completed in 2014 by adding additional secondary treatment to the works to ensure ongoing resilience to manage population growth into the 2030’s. Providing additional capacity for an approximate 450,000PE, the new extension will also provide [...] Continue ReadingBy adamshendry | May 13, 2021
North London Heat and Power Project Helping to deliver nationally significant infrastructure The North London Heat and Power Project is a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project being led by the North London Waste Authority (NLWA) to deliver a world class facility for the management of 700,000 tonnes of north London’s waste every year. With the existing [...] Continue ReadingBy adamshendry | March 11, 2020
Oxfordshire County Council Providing a robust evidence base for Minerals and Waste Local Plans Adams Hendry has provided consultancy support to Oxfordshire County Council in the preparation of the Oxfordshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan Part 2: Draft Sites Allocation. The Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Part 1 – Core Strategy was adopted on 12 September [...] Continue ReadingBy adamshendry | June 20, 2017
Eastleigh Borough Local Plan providing planning policy support and evidence to help deliver local plans Adams Hendry is providing long-term consultancy support to Eastleigh Borough Council to help guide the preparation of its emerging local plan (2016-2036). Adams Hendry has undertaken a full review and update of the council’s Strategic Land Availability Assessment which involved [...] Continue ReadingBy adamshendry | June 6, 2017
West Sussex County Council Providing local planning policy support to help deliver strategic infrastructure requirements Adams Hendry are currently providing local planning policy support to West Sussex County Council, helping the County Council to ensure that its strategic infrastructure requirements are prioritised and delivered. We are working closely with the County Council to update Strategic [...] Continue ReadingBy adamshendry | June 6, 2017
Romsey Road, Winchester Change of use of former NHS site in city centre to student accommodation Adams Hendry worked with Caliburn Homes to secure planning permission from Winchester City Council for the material change of use of a former NHS site on Romsey Road in Winchester to student accommodation. The application for 23 units of [...] Continue ReadingBy adamshendry | January 27, 2016