By adamshendry | March 11, 2020
Oxfordshire County Council Providing a robust evidence base for Minerals and Waste Local Plans Adams Hendry has provided consultancy support to Oxfordshire County Council in the preparation of the Oxfordshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan Part 2: Draft Sites Allocation. The Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Part 1 – Core Strategy was adopted on 12 September [...] Continue ReadingBy adamshendry | June 20, 2017
Eastleigh Borough Local Plan providing planning policy support and evidence to help deliver local plans Adams Hendry is providing long-term consultancy support to Eastleigh Borough Council to help guide the preparation of its emerging local plan (2016-2036). Adams Hendry has undertaken a full review and update of the council’s Strategic Land Availability Assessment which involved [...] Continue ReadingBy adamshendry | June 6, 2017
West Sussex County Council Providing local planning policy support to help deliver strategic infrastructure requirements Adams Hendry are currently providing local planning policy support to West Sussex County Council, helping the County Council to ensure that its strategic infrastructure requirements are prioritised and delivered. We are working closely with the County Council to update Strategic [...] Continue ReadingBy adamshendry | January 27, 2016
By admin | October 7, 2014
Infrastructure Delivery Planning Supporting major new development Adams Hendry have supported West Sussex County Council, West Berkshire and Bracknell Forest Councils in the preparation of Infrastructure Delivery Plans, including the co-ordination of consultation with infrastructure providers and assessment of infrastructure requirements both strategically, and on a site-by-site basis. This included a review of infrastructure requirements [...] Continue ReadingBy admin | October 7, 2014
Fareham Community Infrastructure Levy Reviewing Community Infrastructure Levy rates Adams Hendry is leading the UK’s first review of an adopted Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule for Fareham Borough Council. This review will ensure that Fareham’s CIL rates remain appropriate and reflect the changing planning context within the Borough. Fareham adopted its current CIL Charging [...] Continue ReadingBy admin | September 19, 2014
Best Practice Research - Enterprise M3 LEP Best practice recommendations to stimulate economic growth Adams Hendry was appointed by the Enterprise M3 Local Economic Partnership to carry out best practice research in order to inform future planning services and business approaches to planning. The intended combined effect of the research is to reduce and avoid [...] Continue ReadingBy admin | September 15, 2014
Fareham Local Plan Providing planning policy support to help deliver Local Plans Adams Hendry worked closely with Fareham Borough Council to provide advice and planning policy support for the successful examination of the Borough’s Development Sites and Policies (DSP) Plan. With a Core Strategy adopted in 2011, Fareham have prepared two further Development Plan Documents, [...] Continue ReadingBy admin | September 15, 2014
Hart Local Plan Providing planning policy support to help deliver Local Plans Adams Hendry has worked closely with Hart District Council, providing consultancy support to its preparation of a new Hart Local Plan. Hart began the process of developing its new Local Plan with the production of a housing development options consultation paper, outlining broad [...] Continue Reading