Adams Hendry – Projects

Fareham Community Infrastructure Levy

By | October 7, 2014

Fareham Community Infrastructure Levy

Reviewing Community Infrastructure Levy rates

Adams Hendry is leading the UK’s first review of an adopted Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule for Fareham Borough Council. This review will ensure that Fareham’s CIL rates remain appropriate and reflect the changing planning context within the Borough.

Fareham adopted its current CIL Charging Schedule in May 2013. Since that time the Welborne Plan, covering proposals for a strategic development of 6,000 new homes, has been finalised, requiring a review in the Borough’s CIL rate structure. Where large strategic developments, such as Welborne, are proposed, the key task is to correctly balance the approach to securing developer contributions between CIL and Section 106 planning obligations.

Adams Hendry has been advising Fareham Borough Council on CIL and one member of our team assisted the authority to successfully introduce CIL in 2013. We are now leading the CIL review process for the Council, for example, liaising with the appointed viability consultants, advising the Council on the best approach to take and preparing the consultation drafts of the new charging schedule.


Andy Blaxland, Director: 01962 877414 |