We are, and have been for a number of years, the planning advisors to the Port of Southampton. We have undertaken, and continue to undertake, various commissions for the Port, ranging from day-to-day queries through to acting as a member of the core project team taking forward development proposals within the Port.
Such commissions include being lead consultant on proposals for a major expansion of the Port (sought through a combination of planning applications, Transport and Works Act Order application and Harbour Revision Order), an extension to the existing container terminal at the Port (sought through a combination of marine licence and prior approval under the General Permitted Development Order) and proposals to improve the marine access to the Port (sought through a marine licence application).
In addition, Adams Hendry is retained to protect the Port and its future in emerging development plans produced by relevant local authorities. This has seen representatives of Adams Hendry appearing at various local plan inquiries, hearings and examinations, and providing evidence for successful statutory challenges in the High Court.
We also provide planning advice to the Port in respect of development proposals promoted by others within and around the port estate.