Adams Hendry – Projects

Poole Harbour Revision Order

By | September 19, 2014

Poole Harbour Revision Order

Realising Port potential for increased access to deep water

Adams Hendry prepared a Statement in Support to accompany the draft Poole Harbour Revision Order application submitted to the Marine Management Organisation. The draft Harbour Revision Order proposes extensions to existing and the creation of new quays at the Port of Poole to maximise the deep-water frontage the Port can offer. These works will provide long term security and flexibility for Poole Harbour Commissioners in accordance with the aims and objectives of the adopted Poole Harbour Port Master Plan.

In concentrating on the need for the proposed works, Adams Hendry emphasised the Commissioners’ proposals to make best use of the existing facilities, safeguard land for future growth and improve the Port to retain and support existing businesses while at the same attract new business and diversify into other commercial sectors. The proposed works will increase the viability of the Port as a whole, thereby helping to secure the long term future for existing employees, create new employment opportunities and to make additional contributions to the local and regional economies. The proposals also enable the Commissioners to fulfill the conservancy element of their statutory functions and responsibilities.


Debra Ivory, Technical Director: 01962 877414 |