Impacts of the Proposed Scheme
Detailed assessments of potential impacts of the construction and operation of the scheme are being undertaken as part of the preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment. This will be reported in an Environmental Statement, to be submitted as part of the planning application.
There will be construction activities on site for the duration of construction, and this has the potential to give rise to localised temporary impacts. These will be minimised and mitigated by the adoption of best practice construction techniques and adoption of measures including limiting construction hours, use of dust suppression measures, construction traffic routeing etc. These will be set out in detail in the planning application.
The construction of the wetland pond system will change the visual appearance of the site, and the site is in a sensitive location within the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and adjoining Conservation Areas. However, the ponds have been located and designed to be natural forms within the landscape and are predicted, once completed, to be beneficial in landscape terms. The proposed new settlement tank is located centrally within the site and will be seen in the context of the existing buildings.
A detailed assessment of flood risk, water quality, hydrology and ecological impacts is being completed, in close consultation with the Environment Agency. From the work undertaken to date, the scheme is not predicted to give rise to increased flood risk elsewhere, nor to lead to adverse water quality, hydrological or ecological impacts. On the contrary, the scheme is proposed to deliver environmental benefits through the enhanced water treatment and new habitats that will be created.