Adams Hendry – Projects

Portsmouth City Centre Roads

By | September 19, 2014

Portsmouth City Centre Roads

Helping to unlock urban regeneration potential

Adams Hendry is leading the planning and technical work for Portsmouth City Council on a city centre road scheme linked to delivering the Council’s aspirations for economic development across the City. The Road will help to facilitate the development of the Northern Quarter, a major, mixed-used, retail -led development within the city centre.

Adams Hendry is currently preparing the planning application for the proposals to realign the city centre road network. Working closely with a team of technical specialists including transport, acoustic, air quality and cultural heritage consultants, Adams Hendry is preparing planning application supporting statement, and coordinating the Environmental Statement and other submission documents.

A major public consultation exercise on the proposal has been undertaken. Adams Hendry prepared and produced the exhibition material, consultation leaflet and other publicity material and provided support to the City Council officers at the three-day consultation event.


Emma Barnett, Director: 01962 877414 | 

