Adams Hendry has provided consultancy support to Oxfordshire County Council in the preparation of the Oxfordshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan Part 2: Draft Sites Allocation. The Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Part 1 – Core Strategy was adopted on 12 September 2017.
The Draft Sites Plan identifies preferred mineral extraction and waste management sites that will be needed in Oxfordshire up to 2031. Adams Hendry prepared the Site Assessment Report which forms a key evidence based document in support of the preferred site allocations. A long list of 90 potential mineral and waste site were subject to an initial screening assessment. Sites that were not screened out following this assessment were subject to a detailed technical assessment. The Draft Sites Plan published for consultation on 22nd January 2020 identifies four mineral extraction sites and nine waste management sites as the Council’s Preferred Options following the detailed site assessments.
We also carried out a Sustainability Assessment (SA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the likely significant environmental, economic and community impacts of those potential sites that were identified by the County Council as reasonable alternatives for allocation in the Draft Part 2 Sites Allocation Plan.