Adams Hendry – Projects

Margate and Broadstairs

By | May 20, 2021

Margate and Broadstairs

Wastewater Treatment development for Southern Water

In 2006 Adams Hendry secured planning permission from Kent County Council on behalf of Southern Water Services Ltd for the development of modern wastewater treatment facilities for Margate and Broadstairs and to ensure compliance with European Directives on Urban Wastewater, Bathing Water and Shellfish Waters.  Adams Hendry had an instrumental role in the strategic review of options and developing a scheme that was capable of achieving planning consent and able to meet stringent environmental requirements.

The scheme was physically large, involving multiple treatment sites and approximately 15 miles of connecting pipelines.  Much of the scheme involved development within internationally designated areas for nature conservation and urban areas.  The development comprised

  • works to the Broadstairs Headworks and construction of a wastewater transfer pipeline to connect the Broadstairs and Margate Headworks;
  • works to the Margate Headworks;
  • construction of twin wastewater and treated effluent pipeline between the Margate Headworks and Weatherlees Wastewater Treatment Works, and
  • construction of a new wastewater treatment works at Weatherlees.

Applications were also submitted under the Food and Environmental Protection Act 1985 to construct a new storm outfall at Foreness Point and to carry out repairs to the existing short sea outfalls at North Foreland; and under the Coast Protection Act 1948 for a licence for those elements of the proposals lying below the level of mean high water springs, where there was potential for danger to navigation.

Under the Habitat Regulations, each of the consenting agencies represented ‘competent authorities’, with responsibility for undertaking appropriate assessment.  Adams Hendry co-ordinated the assessment, developing a protocol for the appropriate assessment and overseeing the formation of a stakeholder group.

Adams Hendry prepared all of the planning documentation for the scheme and led the preparation of the project’s Environmental Statement, including coordinating the expert assessment team. We also managed the applications determination process through to the grant of permission and assisted with the discharge of conditions to enable the project to start on site.  We also managed four further applications securing changes to the consented scheme.


Gareth Bennett, Technical Director: 01962 877414 |
