Adams Hendry – Projects

Beckton STW Extension

By | May 19, 2021

Beckton STW Extension

Major infrastructure upgrade for Thames Water

The extension to Beckton STW builds on the previous capacity extension completed in 2014 by adding additional secondary treatment to the works to ensure ongoing resilience to manage population growth into the 2030’s. Providing additional capacity for an approximate 450,000PE, the new extension will also provide additional sludge plant to handle sludge prior to treatment through enhanced digestion or incineration on site.

Following appointment in 2018, Adams Hendry prepared route-to-consent strategies to enable dialogue to be opened with the local planning authority and the Environment Agency. As reference design, EIA Scoping, assessment work and stakeholder dialogue continued during 2019, guided by our planning team, the reference design was able to be refined with client and engineering team input to incorporate necessary mitigation and to respond to stakeholder feedback, allowing detailed reference planning drawings to be prepared by our in-house graphic design team. Through this iterative assessment and design process the clients’ combined engineering, environment and planning team were able finalise the full Schedule 1 EIA planning application for submission.

The application was approved at Committee in spring 2020 under COVID-19 lockdown conditions, following which Adams Hendry led the project team through the process of preparing and submitting further details to secure the discharge of conditions and start on site in 2021.


Gareth Bennett, Technical Director: 01962 877414 |
