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Water and Wastewater

Our Water and Wastewater Planning Team possesses unrivalled knowledge and specialisms in water industry related planning work. Providing water industry planning services continuously since our formation in 1992, we have extensive experience across a wide range of water and wastewater projects. Our full water and wastewater project team comprises staff at all levels of the Company and, amongst the 7 senior project managers in the team, we posses more than 110 years of relevant water industry experience, including more than 80 years held as planning managers, on a substantial range and number of water industry projects encompassing water resource schemes, pipelines, reservoirs and treatment infrastructure, new wastewater treatment works, sludge treatment and recycling centres, treatment plant, equipment and pipelines, as well as a series of first time sewerage schemes.

Our management of and input to such projects spans all sectors of the planning process, from guiding policy and strategy development, responding to draft policy prepared by others, preparing water resource management plans, identifying appropriate strategies to secure consent for development and promoting and defending permitted development rights. Our consultancy support includes the skilled navigation of our client’s projects through the planning system, from permitted development, to non-EIA development, and from EIA development through to applications for development consent orders. With all of our staff experienced across all of these sectors we are able to provide expert management level consultancy services and in depth planning consultancy staffing resources across all grades to a range of clients and across multiple projects at any given time.

Key to our success as one of the leading planning consultancies for water infrastructure is our relationship with our clients. We are trusted and respected in our field of expertise and approach our appointments very much as a member of the client’s project team. Working closely with clients, co-consultants and engineers we are experienced in successfully managing the interface between water resource planning processes and procedures and the town planning system.

Our skills include:

  • Planning applications and Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Water Resources Management and Drought Plans
  • Wastewater and sludge strategies
  • Permitted development advice
  • Site feasibility and appraisal
  • Stakeholder engagement and management



Andy Blaxland or Gareth Bennett 01962 877414 | a.blaxland@adamshendry.co.uk or g.bennett@adamshendry.co.uk