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We know that transport projects need to be carefully justified and defined in planning and environmental terms.

We are experienced in successfully guiding road schemes through the consent system. New road schemes often require other processes to be undertaken before they can be implemented, such as Compulsory Purchase Order and Side Road Order procedures. We know what evidence to present to support and justify the granting of such orders.

We have significant experience in the railway sector, successfully obtaining consent for a number of strategically important railway projects. Our advice and knowledge spans the General Permitted Development Order 1995, the town planning process and the Transport and Works Act 1992.

We have the skills to critically assess engineering and architectural options for railway projects in the context of planning policy and environmental impacts. Intensive engagement with stakeholders is an essential component of our approach.

Our skills include:

  • Stakeholder engagement and management
  • Scheme definition and justification
  • Planning applications
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Public Inquiry Witness
  • CPO, SRO and Transport and Works Act advice



Philip Rowell or Emma Barnett 01962 877414 | p.rowell@adamshendry.co.uk or e.barnett@adamshendry.co.uk