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Ports, Harbours & Marine

As a maritime nation our ports and harbours are vital to the UK’s economic success – a fact recognised by Government. Changes in the technologies for handling cargoes from ship to shore and for their onward transport by road, rail or water have resulted in changing requirements for port infrastructure. These changes lead to issues of both growth and decline for the UK’s ports often in the context of ecologically valuable coastal environments.

We advise on strategies for the future development of ports where their economic role has declined or changed. We routinely advise ports that are recognised by Government as key international gateways critical to the functioning of the nations transport system and economic success.

Marine industries also have an important role to play in providing infrastructure and supporting coastal economies. Marine industries face a diverse range of challenges including competition with higher value land uses such as housing and environmental designations to protect the ecological and landscape value of coastal areas.  We are experienced in both policy development and making planning applications to support the development of marine industries.

Our skills include:

  • Planning applications
  • Harbour Revision/Empowerment Orders
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Permitted Development
  • Port Masterplanning
  • Expert witness
  • Strategic policy development and advice



Philip Rowell or Debra Ivory 01962 877414 | p.rowell@adamshendry.co.uk or d.ivory@adamshendry.co.uk