Adams Hendry – Projects

SCT5, Port of Southampton

By | September 19, 2014

SCT5, Port of Southampton

Enabling the growth of container shipping

Adams Hendry, along with the client’s project team and their legal advisors, prepared necessary documentation to support a suite of marine and terrestrial consent applications to enable the redevelopment of berths formerly known as 201 and 202 at the Port of Southampton. The works were proposed to expand the container terminal at the Port through the provision of further facilities to accommodate the largest container vessels currently in service.

Applications for consent included a marine licence application to the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and a prior approval application under Part 11 of the General Permitted Development Order to Southampton City Council. These applications were accompanied by a comprehensive Environmental Statement (ES) of the project.   In addition to playing a leading role on the production of key application documentation, including the ES, Adams Hendry undertook a key role in the discussions and negotiations required with the decision makers and key stakeholders.

The new berth, now known as SCT5, is now in active use.


Phil Rowell, Director: 01962 877414 |