Adams Hendry assisted Poole Harbour Commissioners in the preparation of the Poole Harbour Port Master Plan. This sets out the Commissioners’ vision for the sustainable management, conservation and development of Poole Harbour and the Trust Port of Poole for the next 25 to 30 years. The Master Plan includes a number of proposals to enable the Commissioners to meet their statutory duties and responsibilities to maintain the Port of Poole and conserve and manage it’s internationally significant coastal environment and a landscape of national importance.
Two rounds of extensive public and stakeholder consultation were undertaking during the Master Plan’s preparation. Adams Hendry attended meetings with statutory consultees, provided advice to Poole Harbour Commissioners on consultation facilitation and on responding to objectors and was responsible for producing a Summary of Response document that sat alongside the final Master Plan.
Adams Hendry also produced a Consents Strategy that reviewed the processes, procedures and other considerations that are material to the implementation of proposals for Port development in and around Poole Harbour. The Strategy identifies the context within which decisions are made and the procedures and processes that are relevant to the promotion, consenting and implementation of the proposals set out in the Master Plan. It also contains material relating to private acts and parliamentary orders, the planning status of the Port, the definition of operational land, and relevant planning policies.