Adams Hendry – Projects

Lakeside Energy from Waste Facility

By | October 12, 2014

Lakeside Energy from Waste Facility

Successful promotion of regionally important energy from waste capacity

Working with Grundon Waste Management Ltd, Adams Hendry provided planning consultancy and project management services to secure planning permission for their Lakeside Energy from Waste Facility, now built and operating at Colnbrook near the M25 and Heathrow. Capable of processing 450,000 tonnes of mixed waste per annum, and located in the Green Belt, this landmark facility provides regionally important non-hazardous waste recovery capacity for the South East and London

Adams Hendry assisted Grundon with identifying the planning strategy for the project and project managed preparation of the planning application and Environmental Statement for the facility. This included establishing the need for the capacity that would be provided by this facility, the acceptability of its development at this Green Belt location, and assessing its impacts and ensuring their effects could be appropriately mitigated to support delivery of this essential infrastructure.

In addition, the application also led to the development of a temporary non-hazardous waste MRF, later the subject of a further successful Adams Hendry EIA planning application for its permanent retention, and a clinical waste incinerator.


Gareth Bennett, Technical Director or Andy Turner, Associate : 01962 877414 | 

