Adams Hendry has provided planning advice and consultancy support to Thames Water since 2011 on the Deephams Sewage Works Upgrade project.
Deephams is Thames Water’s fourth largest sewage works. Following a new environmental permit issued by the EA, the sewage works needed to be substantially upgraded to meet new tighter environmental standards, to accommodate growth in the catchment, and to reduce odour emissions.
Adams Hendry led the consideration of on and off site development options, and the preparation and submission of the planning application for the Upgrade scheme. Working closely with Thames Water, Cascade Consulting, and the appointed contractor AMK (a joint venture of Aecom, Murphy and Kier), significant work was undertaken at pre-application stage to engage with stakeholders and the local community to discuss and resolve concerns prior to submission of the application.
The application for the Deephams Sewage Works Upgrade was submitted to London Borough of Enfield in June 2014 and planning permission was granted in February 2015. Construction work commenced in early summer 2015 and is due to be completed in 2018.
Adams Hendry also led the preparation of a planning application for the Deephams Enhanced Sludge Digestion project, which if approved will see the introduction of thermal hydrolysis treatment of the sewage sludge on site, to increase the renewable energy produced, and to improve the quality and reduce the quantity of sludge cake transported to agricultural land as fertiliser. The Planning application was submitted to London Borough of Enfield in August 2015.