Adams Hendry was appointed by the Royal Air Force Yacht Club to advise on the planning strategy and consents necessary to secure the reconfiguration of berthing facilities and installation of additional pontoons on the River Hamble. The proposal was jointly pursued with the Royal Southern Yacht Club.
Adams Hendry prepared the planning statement that accompanied the Planning and Conservation Area Consent Application. We also reviewed the Hydrodynamic and Geomorphological Assessment and Navigation Risk Assessment, ensuring that this supporting evidence was sufficiently robust to support the planning case. As well as planning consent, the development also required a Marine Licence, Harbour Works Consent and Flood Defence Consent.
The works included a capital dredge and the installation of a new sheet piled quay wall in a highly sensitive environment. A large part of the River Hamble is internationally designated SAC, SPA and RAMSAR. An SSSi is also in close proximity. The site itself is located in the Hamble Conservation Area.
Following pre-application discussions with Eastleigh Borough Council, the Parish Council, the Harbour Master and county and local ecologists, the scheme was sensitively designed and appropriate mitigation secured to enable planning consent to be secured without recourse to planning appeal.
The scheme will deliver modern berthing facilities and full tidal access to two marinas and will help to safeguard the long term, sustainable future of the Royal Air Force and Royal Southern Yacht Clubs.